- EnviMet, domain of activities envelopes the needs for monitoring systems
required for meteorological activities, and environment protection.
- EnviMet, is the agent of many well-known manufacturers of meteorological
systems on the international level.
- EnviMet, can bid in any tender in the domain of its activities for any
Meteorological Service in Egypt and Arab Countries.
- EnviMet, can carry out all tasks required the systems import, installation
training customer personal, putting into operations, final tests and after sales
maintenance and guaranty.
- EnviMet, can integrate new Sensors into the existing Automatic weather
observation systems.
- EnviMet, with the assistance of the advanced engineering and technology in
Egypt can manufacture meteorological instruments in Egypt
- EnviMet, has an agreement with Modem (France) to fabricate Modem
Radiosonde type M2K2-DC in Egypt for five years.